"His son should have kept his nose clean. He had everything yet he had to cheat on his wife." one of the men said. "Well, we got paid plenty for the job, so I don't care. I did what his dad told us to do." the other man replied. "You know his son was stealing funds from the mill and spending it on cars and women." Aaron heard one of them say.
"Well, we best be going. Don't want to hang around a crime seen to long. Especially one that we had something to do with." one of them said while laughing. Aaron then heard the doors to the truck close and the truck drove off. He waited a while wanting to make sure they didn't come back and no one else was coming down the road.
"I think I heard enough for now." he thought as he got onto his bike. He made his way back home and into his house. He didn't turn any lights on, so he made his way around in the dark. "I wonder if the sheriff knows any of what I heard tonight?" Aaron thought as he made his way to his bedroom.
When he woke up the next morning, he knew he needed to find out more about the father of Stephen Roach. He also knew if his father was willing to kill his own son, he wouldn't hesitate to kill others. "I wonder where his dad hangs out. I would like to see him, maybe even talk with him." Aaron thought.
He made his way downstairs to the kitchen. It was then that he opened his refrigerator and noticed the meals he had purchased were all but gone. "I think its time for me to get a few more meals again." he thought. He cleaned a little while waiting for noon to come. When it got close, he got into his truck and drove to the restaurant. He parked and then went inside.
He noticed there weren't many people there, so he went toward the back booth and sat down. He wanted to be able to see the front door and anyone who drove by. "Well, it's been a while!" Aaron heard someone say. He looked up to see the woman who waited on him when he had the first encounter with the sheriff. "What can I get you today?" she asked.
Aaron told her what he wanted, and she left to put his order in. He then sat there running things over in his mind. It wasn't long before he had a plate of food in front of him. As he was eating, he heard the door to restaurant open and in walked three men. Two of them looked very familiar. Aaron had run into them before, back when the car went into the lake.
They looked Aaron's way, then made their way to a booth and sat down. Aaron could tell the other man with them was not like them. He was dressed in expensive clothes. "Could that be Stephen Roach's dad?" Aaron thought. He tried to bring attention to himself. He didn't want them to notice he was watching them.
Aaron suddenly jumped as he heard "Can I get you anything else?" His other meals were ready and were being set in front of him on the table. "No, thank you." he replied. He took the check and walked to the register to pay. It was then he heard one of the men that he had seen before say. "I hope your satisfied with the job Mr. Roach."
Aaron turned just in time to see the look Stephens dad gave one of the men and it wasn't a good one. Aaron continued trying to act like he didn't hear it. He retrieved his meals off his table and made his way out of the restaurant. He got into his truck and waited. He wanted to see where the three went after they left the restaurant. They were not in the place long. They apparently only got coffee.
Aaron had parked across the street, so he wasn't noticed when the three men walked out. Stephen's dad handed the two an envelope then walked away. "I have no doubt what was in that envelope. I am sure a payment for a job well done." Aaron thought. He then watched as Mr. Roach walked to a car and got inside. When he backed up into the street, that's when Aaron saw the tag. It was the one from his dream.
It was all coming together now. The person in the dream was the dad of Stephen. It must have been Norma Rays home, where she was killed, and Stephen's dad must have personally did it. That was the man, the face he saw in the dream. "I need to talk to the sheriff without anyone knowing it." Aaron thought.
Aaron started his truck and pulled away, driving toward his home. As he came up to a four way stop the sheriff happen to drive up also to one. Aaron never looked his way. As the two drove by one another Aaron moved his hand up to his face like he was making a call. He was hoping the sheriff would figure out that it was a signal to call him.
Aaron drove into his garage and lowered the door down. He grabbed his meals and went inside. "I hope he calls." Aaron thought. He put his meals up and did odd things around the house waiting for the call. The day went by with no call. "I guess he didn't get it." Aaron thought.
It had gotten dark and now was late so Aaron made his way to his bedroom. He made his way into his bathroom and took a shower. Just as he was getting out, he heard his cell phone ringing. He wrapped a towel around him and ran toward his cell phone. He picked it up on the last ring.
"Hello!" Aaron said. "Aaron this is the sheriff." He heard the person say. "I was beginning to think you weren't going to call." Aaron said. "I have to be careful. I am alone now. Why did you need me to call?" the sheriff asked. "I heard some things recently that you may want to know." Aaron replied.
Aaron then filled him in on what he heard when he was hiding by the lake. He then told him about what he heard and saw at the restaurant. Aaron wasn't sure if he should tell the sheriff about his dream but as they talked, he in time did. He told him he had written down the tag from the dream and then saw it was on the car of Mr. Roach.
"I have a problem with it though. I still need evidence that his dad killed Norma Ray and the two guys were hired by Stephen's dad to kill Stephen." the sheriff said. Aaron got quiet for a while. "You still there?" the sheriff asked. "Yes, I am trying to figure out how to get that for you." Aaron replied. "Get what for me?" the sheriff asked. "Evidence!" Aaron replied. They talk a little longer than got off the phone.
Something inside Aaron would not let what happened go, it was all he could think about as the days went by. It continued to weigh on him to do something about it. He was having dreams about it; those dreams were coming from the One who was calling Aaron. Aaron wanted nothing to do with Him, but God knew in time Aaron would surrender.
Late one night while Aaron was sleeping, he had another dream. He found himself suddenly inside a building and he realized it was a bar. The two men he saw at the restaurant. As the dream continued, he started talking with the two men and in time they told them things only the ones who killed Stephen would know. The dream barely ended when Aaron woke up.
He laid there thinking about what he had just seen in the dream. He had no idea if there was even a bar anywhere close. He picked up his cell phone and searched to see what was close. He found one that was not far outside of the town limits. "Okay, I guess I am going there tonight." he thought.
He stayed busy most of the day doing odd things waiting for night to come. He figured the best time would be around ten, hoping the two men would be there drinking. When the time got close, he made his way to the garage and got into his truck. He then drove to the bar. He noticed there were not a lot of vehicles in the parking lot. He wondered if he was making a mistake to come but he that pulling inside him was still there.
He got out, went inside and when he did the few there turned looking at him then looked away. Aaron made his way to a table in the back of the bar, figuring he could see anyone walking in that way. As he sat down a man came up to him and asked him what he want to drink. Aaron ordered a beer but had no intention of drinking it.
He sat there for another hour and was getting ready to leave when the door to the bar opened. Two men walked in, and Aaron knew it was the two he was waiting for. They didn't notice Aaron sitting there. They made their way to a table and sat down. Aaron sat there waiting for them to get enough in them before he got up.
After an hour went by and many beers Aaron could tell the two were getting drunk. He figured it was time to go have a talk with them, hoping they would talk. He got up and acted like he was going to walk by the two men, he then stopped and turned around. "Hey, you two look like you need a drink." Aaron said. "Yeah, we do! What's that to you?" One of the men replied.
Aaron didn't say anything for a moment, then said. "I would like to buy you one." "Why would you want to do that?" One of the men asked. "You two looked thirsty to me but if you don't want it, I will just go on." Aaron replied as he turned. One of the men quickly said "Hey, come back here. I don't ever turn a free drink down."
Aaron smiled and slowly turned sitting down at the table with the two men. When the bartender came up Aaron told him to bring them a couple beers and keep them coming. The two men looked at each other and smiled. They were happy they were getting free drinks. The more they drank, the more they seem to be opening up about their lives. It helped a lot that Aaron was asking questions but doing it in a non-obvious way.
In time the two men started to say what Aaron had been waiting for, information about the man who ran everything. Mr. Roach, Stephen Roach's dad, the one who ran the mill. He also found out that Stephen and Norma Ray were having an affair. That Stephens dad told Stephen to stop it or suffer the consequences. Stephen didn't like it a bit.
The two continued to talk and Aaron gathered more information. Wow, he had everything that's said his car went into the lake." Aaron said. Both the men sneakered, then one said, "The car had a little help." Aaron knew then they had something to do with the death of Stephen. When the talking was over, Aaron had he needed to know. He got up and walked out the door.
As he drove home, he tried to figure out a way to let the sheriff know what he had found out. Once home he got a shower, then got something to eat. As he sat there many things were running through his mind. He wondered where the dream came from and why. As he sat there something happened. He started to feel something, or someone was in the room. He looked around but saw nothing.
He shook his head figuring he was tired, then got up and went into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator door and once again felt it. He quickly closed the door and looked but once again saw nothing. "Everything is messing with me, that's got to be what it is." he thought. He turned the lights out and made his way to his bedroom and went to sleep.
Within minutes of falling asleep he woke up. He knew something was in his room with him. He sat up in his bed, trying to get his eyes to focus. He was going to reach for his pistol on the bedside table but didn't. "Is someone there?" he asked. He heard nothing but silence. He began to wonder if he was losing his mind.
Suddenly as he sat there, he started to see a light and he could see someone standing there among, inside the light. A man was standing there, and the man walked toward Aaron. Aaron would at any other time grabbed his pistol and got up, but he didn't do anything. He sat there staring at the light and the man.
He then started to hear a voice; it spoke with great power. "Aaron, let go! Let go of the anger you have inside. You did not come here on your own. He sent you here because of a mother's prayers." the voice said. "A mother's prayer, what mother?" Aaron thought. It was like someone hit him, his neighbor! The mother of Norma Irene Ray. Aaron closed his eyes and shook his head, when he opened them the man and the light was gone.
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