View the art images below while you Listen along with the ‘I Think Speech‘ podcast Greetings Friends – I am an early riser, so I can tell you, it’s true, the light is slowly returning. As I meditate, awaiting the sunrise, I pay attention to what arises from my lessons in night school. During the 13 Holy Nights, we know that our dreams & impressions, especially in that hypnogogic state between waking & sleeping, can be very portentous.
Tuning into TODAY as the 10th of the Holy Nights, I discover that – According to Rudolf Steiner’s original Calendar of the Soul, this is the birthday of Enoch – Descendant of Cain, who we can see in relation to the Feast day of his brother Abel from yesterday. In addition to an appearance in the Book of Genesis, Enoch is the subject of many Jewish & Christian writings - the son of Jared (Genesis 5:19–21), father of Methuselah, & the great-grandfather of Noah. The Bible says that Enoch lived 365 years before he was taken up by God. The text reads that Enoch “walked with God: and he was no more; for God took him” (Gen 5:21–24) He was called ‘Enoch the scribe of judgment’, & was considered the author of the Book of Enoch, which recounts how he was taken up to Heaven & was appointed Guardian of all the celestial treasures – Chief of the Archangels, & the immediate attendant of God’s Throne, where he was taught all the secret mysteries &, with the Angels at his back, fulfills of his own accord whatever comes out of the mouth of God. Various esoteric writings identify Enoch as Metatron, the Archangel which communicates God’s word. Enoch was seen, by this literature, & the Kabbala of Jewish mysticism, as having been the one which communicated God’s revelation to Moses, in particular. An interesting thing to contemplate in these pre-dawn hours. Today is also said to be the Feast Day of the Prophet Daniel – whose Hebrew name means: “God is my Judge“- He was the Bible Hero who interprets dreams & receives apocalyptic visions. The Book of Daniel begins with an introduction telling how Daniel & his companions came to be in Babylon. Then it gives a set of tales set in the Babylonian & Persian courts, followed by a set of visions in which Daniel sees the remote future of the world. Maybe you remember the famous story of how Daniel & his 3 friends Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego were among the young Jewish nobility carried off to Babylon following the city’s capture by Nebuchadnezzar. The four are chosen for their intellect & beauty to be trained in the Babylonian court. But Daniel & his friends refuse to eat the non-kosher food & this is seen as an affront to the king, so they were thrown into a lion’s den & then a fiery furnace. I grew up with that tale. I remember a Bible song around this theme. ‘God sent an angel to the lion’s den & he shut the lion’s mouth’. I forgot the part about the fiery furnace, but anyway, you get the idea. It is quite a powerful imagination especially for a kid. Today, dear friends it is also the Feast Day of Caspar, (no not the friendly ghost) – the youngest of the Magi, from Africa. His gift was myrrh, ‘the symbol of sacrifice, of death - the sacrifice of the earthly in order that the Higher may come to life’. Myrrh is also used in making medicines. This symbolizes Christ as the Great Physician. And for those who have been living into the 13 Holy Nights: Tonight at sunset begins the 10th Holy Night, ruled by the Constellation of Gemini, the Twins (out-pictured in the human body in the lungs, arms, & shoulders) This is the Sphere of the Seraphim, the Spirits of Love. We are up there folks, the top of the 1st & highest Hierarchy. The ceaseless yearning of the Seraphim for the sphere of the Holy Spirit above them brings the impetus of Universal Love, which begets the will to sacrifice. An earthly reflection of this macrocosmic impulse of love can be seen in the ancient Greek myth of the Twin Brothers Castor & Pollux – where the immortal twin is willing to sacrifice himself for his brother. In the Christian era, after the Christ-Impulse enters into earthly evolution, Love becomes Universal - going beyond the love founded on blood-ties.
The Spiritual Love that Christ arouses, is the fulfilment of the fundamental principle of all true Christian Mysteries – ‘Not me but Christ in me’. We see this Universal Love in the being of the Nathan Soul, living in the Jesus of the Luke Gospel, who sacrificed himself 4 times - 1st in the pre-earthly deeds, & then to become the vessel of the Cosmic Being of Love - The Christ. We see this Selfless Love in the Mary of the Luke Gospel, who united with the Mary of the Matthew Gospel, allowing the Divine Sophia to enter the earthly realm. We see it in the willing of Zarathustra, who incarnated as the Jesus of the Matthew Gospel, & sacrificed himself to allow the Christ to descend at the Baptism. In ancient Persia, during the last age of Gemini, Zarathustra was a great Magi, able to foretell the coming of Christ, who he saw as Ahura Mazdao. This vision gave him the impulse to sacrifice himself in his coming lives in order to prepare for it. Since ‘The Turning Point of Time’, the individuality of Zarathustra has incarnated again & again as ‘Master Jesus’ – & is one in the circle of 12 Bodhisattvas who inspire humanity towards developing this selfless Universal Love. In the next age - the 6 cultural epoch, we will see a recapitulation of the age of Gemini on a higher level. It will be a time that stands under the signature of the Wedding at Cana, where those who unite in the Spirit of Christ will achieve Good-Will towards one another even though they are not blood-relations. Finally at the end of Earth Evolution, this Selfless, Sacrificial Love, will have created a new Cosmos, a Universe of Love engendered by Human Beings as the 10th Hierarchy of Freedom & Love. Christ Himself shows us the way, He put this Love into practice, by descending from the Trinity beyond the Zodiac, into earthly evolution, to unite Himself for all times with humanity, becoming the ultimate example, by fulfilling the Deed on Golgotha - to die an earthly death so that we can overcome death. John, ‘the disciple that Jesus loved’, a direct witness to all the events that he describes in his Gospel, knows this love thru his initiation as Lazarus. He proclaims this in the famous passage of John 3:16 – 18:
And so we see how all impulses concerning community, & the social life - all striving towards joining together on the basis of mutual love & genuine interest in one another, arise from the region of Gemini.
What would it look like to bring this Cosmic Universal Love, consciously into our world today? To resolve for this New Year, & very year, to open our thinking-hearts, with the intention of enacting an unconditional Love which is capable of uniting people – to become kindred-souls, with those who are willing to walk the talk, & join together in communion with the Spirits of Love, who yearn for us to join the cosmic conversation …?!? We are all Twin-Souls United in Christ when we practice the Virtue: ‘Perseverance becomes Faithfulness’. As we persist in developing the ability to be depended upon, faithfulness ripens. We must persevere even when we can’t see any outward progress. When we insist on striving toward self-development, in service of our true destiny, which is an honoring of the Divine Will, not our own personal desire – The Gemini Meditation tells us “I recognize my other self and in the waning of that self, I grow.” With this resolution to cultivate a Universal Love we can build a sustainable world-reality. See you in the striving as we make our way thru these last highest Holy Nights into Epiphany… Until soon, Blessings dear ones & Peace. ~hag 3 January 2025 - “Speaking with the Stars” Here is the recording of Winter Solstice w/ Mysteria Mystica Americana MA - A Special gift from the Grand Lodge of MA: Richard Cloud, Hazel Archer, Lisa Dalton + guests: Michael Draskovic, Russell Blackstone These ADVENT recordings are also my gift to you ~hag.:. The Fellowship of Preparation Makers' annual gathering, to be held this year in Viroqua, WI. Registration and further info will be posted on their page as it becomes available: . If you want to support the Spiritualization of the Earth thru the Biodynamic Farming done on Zinniker Farm, you are invited to become a paid subscriber, with all donations going directly to the farm Greetings Friend, you currently a free subscriber to Cognitive Ritual. Thank you for receiving my workings freely offered. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. ALL donations go to support Zinniker Farm - The oldest Biodynamic Farm in America! Together we can spiritualize the Universe. XOX ~hag |
Friday, 3 January 2025
TONIGHT Step into the Sphere of the Seraphim, the Spirits of Love
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