If he had bidden thee do some great thing wouldst thou not have done it? How much rather now that he saith to thee, simply trust in Jesus and be saved. I know if I were authorized to preach this morning that every man who would sail round the world should be saved, you would begin saving your money to make the great excursion; but when the gospel comes to you there in those very pews and aisles, and bids you now turn your eyes to the crucified Saviour and only look to him, I know if you have not learned the truth, that salvation is of grace, you will kick at that divine command; but if you know it is of grace, and only grace, you will say, "Sweet is the command of God; Lord, enable me now to trust myself with thy dear Son."
#Outreach: That the world may know
#Prayer Focus: Pray for Our Prodigals
Praise the Lord
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