Quiet souls. Who doesn't want that?
Psalm 131:2
But I have calmed and quieted myself,
I am like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child I am content.
Quiet souls
How does our soul become quiet?
Who does it?
Believe it or not, we do. As with most spiritual things, we take the initiative.
God provides the power; we provide the work.
God's love for us
The one exception
God's love for us is truly unconditional, inexplicable, and limitless. It surpasses all human understanding and expectations. It is a divine love that knows no boundaries, no matter what we have done or who we are. It is a love that extends to every single person on this earth, regardless of their race, religion, or background.
Our response
Yet, even in this extraordinary act of love, the argument can still be made that we must respond to this love. While it is true that many people don't respond to God's love, it is important to note that God doesn't force anyone. He respects our free will and allows us to make our own choices. God's love is an invitation, an open embrace, but it is up to us whether we accept it or not.
Throughout history, we can find examples of individuals who encountered Jesus and were faced with a choice: to accept His love and follow Him or to turn away from it. The rich young ruler is one such example. After making His message clear, Jesus didn't continue to cajole or coerce the young ruler into accepting His love. He respected the young man's decision, even though it brought him sorrow.
God's love is not about manipulation or conditional affection. It is about genuine, pure, and selfless care for each and every one of us. It is about allowing us to make our own choices, find our own path, and experience the depths of His love in our own unique way.
Our responsibility for our quiet.
So, while God's love for us remains constant and unwavering, it is ultimately our response that determines the depth and impact of that love in our lives. While God's love for us is unconditional, we still have the responsibility to respond to this love. But God doesn't force His love on anyone; He invites us to embrace it and experience the transformative power it holds.
Quieting our souls
There are other verses in Psalm where David and others speak to their souls in a commanding voice.
In Psalms 62:5 we read:
My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.
In this next verse, David once again speaks directly to his soul.
Psalms 43:5 is one of my favorite Psalms.
These verses make it clear that peace/quiet in our soul comes from us taking charge of our emotions. What part does God play?
God: the great equipper.
God is the one who equips us. But the first step is ours. This is almost always how God works in our life. Not because He can't do it for us but because He wants us to grow in our faith.
So if you want a quiet soul, and who doesn't, you need to know some things, meaning Scripture. Like the ones above. And you must know God. The quiet our souls need can only be found in God and his love for us. Any other quiet is artificial and won't last.
John 14:27: "Peace (and isn't peace another form of quiet ) I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives....".
God bless, and I hope you have a good day.
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