This journal entry brings back many memories.
I fretted that it never happens I should ever wander from following Him. We sat together in the breakfast nook as the early morning sun began peeking through the window. He said, "Come, let us reason together anew." He asked few leading questions, I answered from the heart. My spirit was again at peace.
Side Note for personal reference: The Apostle John recorded The Seven Letters Christ dictated to the Seven Churches of Revelation. In chapters Two and Three Christ gave His way for every member of His universal Church to every generation following. For us today, the emphasis is: "If ever you see yourself in the warning areas of this letter, this is how you find your way back to Me."
If Ever
If ever I should leave you, Lord; it wouldn't be when life is good.
For I remember you are the fount of every blessing.
If ever I should leave you, Lord; it wouldn't be when life is terrible.
For I remember you are the bulwark of my mighty fortress strong.
If ever I should leave you, Lord; it wouldn't be when I'm bored.
For I know there is never anything of ennui in you.
If ever I should leave you, Lord; it wouldn't be when my health is ill.
For I remember you are my Great Physician and healer of all.
Though my eyes tend to wander, Lord,
My heart beats for your heart,
The most loving link of all.
With that, Lord, as Peter said, I know,
Having tasted your goodness,
There is no place else to go.
Only you have the words of life,
And the whole eternal truth.
I love you, Lord; your mercies never fail me.
I love you, Lord; my life is in your life.
You are the vine; I am the branch.
Only you can complete the me
I have yet to see.
"I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return]." [Philippians 1:6 AMP Bible]
3You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name and have not grown weary.
4Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. 5Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. [A guideline to "if" it should ever happen].
[Revelation 2:3-5]
66 From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. 67 Then Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you also want to go away?"
68 But Simon Peter answered Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." [John 6:66-69 NKJV]
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