Lord, once there were people who were told by their government how they must worship. They were told who they would serve and what their doctrines would be. But You stirred their hearts and they rose in defiance of the tyrannical rulers. They bravely risked their lives and sacrificed all they had for religious freedom.
Lord, once again we find ourselves oppressed by a government that would tell us how we must worship, who we will serve, and what our doctrines will be. Lord you once stirred the hearts of your people to rise in defiance of an unjust government, My prayer today is that you will do it again Lord
Lord, this great nation was born when men were stirred to fight for their Independence and freedom. Brave men realized that they were endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Lord, you stirred the hearts of these brave men to stand up to despotism and demand the right to live in a land of truth, justice, and righteousness. Today I beg you Lord please do it again!
Lord once you raised up great men to lead this nation. These men were not politicians who could be bought or swayed by vagrant ideologies. Truly great leaders are valiant statesmen who stand on Biblical principles and refuse to be bought or bullied by ungodly men or entities. Lord, you once raised up true leaders to guide this nation, please Lord do it again.
Lord, you once raised up prophetic men who were unafraid to stand before evil and corrupt leaders and say, "Thus says the Lord'. Heavenly Father we once again need a Moses to say, "Let my people go". Once again we need an Elijah to challenge the false gods and the evil Jezebels of today. Once again we need a Nathan who will stand before the nation's leaders and say, "be sure your sins will find you out". Once again we need a Jeremiah who will weep over this broken nation as he boldly proclaims a truth that burns in his bones. Once again we need a man like John the Baptist who will shout, "Repent, because the Kingdom of God is at hand" Lord you raised these men up once, today I beg You, please do again.
Lord in past centuries you stirred the hearts of common people to call out to you and from these stirrings, great awakenings were born. During these times of revival, fearless evangelists thundered across this land preaching that you must be born again. They proclaimed the truth of God's word and did not hesitate to call evil, evil, and sin, sin. Lord, we desperately need You to do it again
Lord, once you made this nation great. But now we wallow in sin. The cesspool of sodomy is forced on us by evil men. Right is called wrong and wrong is called right. Today righteous people are ridiculed and perverted people are celebrated. How long Lord will you strive with wicked men?
Lord, you have told us that if we who are your people will' "Humble ourselves and pray, and if we will turn from our wicked ways, that you will hear from heaven and heal our land. Lord you once made this nation great; it is my humble prayer that You will please do it again
Douglas & Deborah Huff
From Down Where The Pavement Ends
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