
Thanks to all of you who have come along for this journey. We will recover, keep praying for an all-clear. Here's what we have for Guam Christian Blog for 09 March 2022: 196 views, 141 visitors, 19 likes (thank you), 26 posts, 1136 followers (THANK YOU). The USA takes first place (gold) with 113 views, India takes second place (silver) with 40 views, Serbia takes third place (bronze) with 15 views, Ireland takes fourth place with 8 views, and the United Kingdom takes fifth place with 5 views.

#United Kingdom

You shall know the truth and the Truth will set you free John 8:32 NKJV


Declare His Praise in the Islands

An open question for all my viewers: What have you done for Christ lately?



#Outreach: That the world may know

#Prayer Focus: Pray for Our Prodigals

#Praise the Lord

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Twitter: @bad671

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