And so dear friends, what are you doing to prepare for the full lunar eclipse before the dawning of Pi Day? Perhaps like me, you are working to weave an infinite circle of protection & light – or a magic peatmoss cloak, with lots of pockets - while sharpening your sword of benediction - & polishing your trusty shield, so that it shines like the Sun at midnight – a Hermit’s beacon, that infuses the dark abyss with a Christic glow..? Take courage dear-heart by Facing the Fates - to activate your highest DESTINY And as shared in this other Video Recording about the Holy Days of March we are in a liminal Lenten-Tide Time - with TONIGHT at Sundown also being the start of the Jewish Festival of Purim. I share it today, not in support of the evil regime of corruption pushing Zionist agendas in Palestine - but to show how evil works thru people to effect world events - & how we can turn it toward the Good. On Purim nothing is as it seems…& all that is hidden shall be revealed…One of the meanings of the name Esther, the star of the Purim story, is concealment – that hidden level of divinity beyond our awareness. The book of Esther called the ‘Megillah’ has the opposite meaning = revelation. Put the two together & we get the paradoxical reality of life – which often seems like mission impossible – yet every trial is a spiritual reality hiding the essence of the Divine in the everyday world… Purim is traditionally a masquerade. One of the reasons to dress up is to ‘hide’- an allusion to the hidden hand of G-d in the Purim miracle, The name of G-d is not spoken, & yet is made manifest thru a woman named Esther = Ishtar = where we get our name for Easter – A fertility goddess of Spring, She is a warrior, yet a goddess of love, marriage & childbirth, & of fate. On Purim we can live into an act of faith – which demonstrates that even when the presence of the Divine is hidden from us, it is always there – often working thru us! Spiritual powers have a hand in pulling the strings, even when things seem to be ‘just happening.’ Although the name of G-d is never mentioned In the Book of Esther = The “Gantze Megillah” – The Divine plan was just disguising itself in this palace soap opera: It all began in Ancient Persia. The Holy Temple that had stood in Jerusalem was destroyed more than 50 years earlier, & the Jews were subjects of the mighty Persian empire which extended over 127 lands. Three years after King Ahasuerus ascended the Persian throne, when he felt secure in his new position, he celebrated by throwing a grand 180 day-long party for all his subjects. Following this extravagant gala, The King hosted a smaller week-long party for the favored residents of the capital city. In the women’s quarters, his wife Queen Vashti, hosted her own party for the womenfolk. On the seventh day of this party, The King “was merry with wine,” & he commanded his wife Queen Vashti to appear before all the drunk men—he wanted to show off her exquisite beauty. But Queen Vashti balked at this request. So the men became angry & the drunken King ordered Queen Vashti’s execution. She was beheaded, (like John the Baptist), her head presented on a platter to the drunken mob. (There is much we could say in commentary around this sacrifice which often goes unexamined in this story about a woman’s right to body sovereignty & the deep connections to the stories of Demeter & Innana, etc…) When the King sobered up, he was lonely for a wife. His advisors suggested that he orchestrate a beauty pageant. Officers were appointed in all the king’s lands, to decree that all young women would be brought to the King, & the woman who found favor in the king’s eyes would be the new queen. (a sad commentary on the perversion of Patriarchy) The leader of the Jews at that time was named Mordechai. He had a cousin, Esther, who was orphaned as a young girl. Mordechai raised her & treated her as a daughter. Though she had no desire to be the queen, Esther, like many other women, was forcibly taken to the king’s harem, to participate in the contest… While all the other contestants beautified themselves with perfumes & lotions, Esther did nothing. But as fate would have it, when she appeared before the king, he immediately found her glowing essence spoke to his soul, & Esther became the new Queen of Persia. Mordechai begged Queen Esther not to divulge her nationality – even to the king… Shortly after Esther became queen, Mordechai overheard two of the king’s chamberlains discussing a plot to assassinate the king. So Mordechai had them reported, & the two traitors were hanged… Meanwhile, Haman, a virulent Jew hater was promoted to the position of Prime Minister. Immediately after his promotion, he got the King to issue a decree ordering everyone to bow down whenever Haman appeared as an extension of the King. So Haman would walk around with a large idol on his head expecting everyone to bow to him… When Mordechai, refused to bow down, Haman was infuriated. He resolved to take revenge against all the Jews & threw lots to determine the day when he would implement his plan. The lot fell on the 13th day of the Hebrew month of Adar (March)… Haman approached King Ahasuerus & told him the Jews were planning an uprising against the King. So the King told Haman “the nation is yours to do with as you please.” Haman immediately sent proclamations to all the King’s land, sealed with the royal signet ring, ordering the people to rise up against the Jews & kill them all – men, women, & children – on the day the lot declared… When Mordechai became aware of the decree, he rent his garments & put on sackcloth. He sent a message to Queen Esther, imploring her to approach the king & beg him to spare the Jewish people. Queen Esther reminded him that according to the rules anyone who entered the king’s presence un-summoned would be put to death—unless the king extended to that person his golden scepter. “And as it is, I have not been summoned by the king for thirty days” -Queen Esther said… Mordechai sent another message: “Perhaps you were made Queen for just this purpose”. So Queen Esther prayed & then agreed to approach the king. But 1st she asked Mordechai to gather all the Jews & have them fast with her for 3 days & 3 nights. Mordechai gathered all the Jews of the city & they fasted, repented & prayed… After the 3 days, Queen Esther put on royal garb & entered the chambers of the King. The King softened & extended his scepter. “Why have you come?” he asked. “What is your request?” Queen Esther responded: “I would like to invite you O King & your advisor Haman to a small feast I have prepared.” So King Ahasuerus & the puffed up Haman joined Queen Esther for a wine-feast. During the feast, the king again asked Queen Esther whether she had anything to request. Queen Esther responded “Yes, come again tomorrow, with Haman to join me for another feast, & then I will tell you my request”… Haman left the party with grandiose ideas of himself as the King’s right hand man invited to the most honored occasions with the King. This made him think that he himself should be king. In this high mood he saw Mordechai standing at the king’s gate – who still refused to bow to him – this enraged the evil man. When he arrived home, he brooded, & decided to erect a gallows, to show Mordechai his power by hanging him in front of all. Then while talking with his servants he hatched a plan to usurp the King, promising his minions grand positions when he was ruler. Evil mingled with the night air, & sleep eluded the King that night, so he asked his servants to read to him from the Royal Chronicles. They just happened to open the book to read of how Mordechai had saved the King’s life when 2 of his chamberlains were devising a plot to kill him…The King asked: “Was Mordechai ever rewarded for this fine act?” “No he was not,” the servants responded… The next day Haman entered the king’s courtyard to ask the king’s permission to hang Mordechai! But before Haman could utter a word, the King addressed him: “My Haman, in your estimation, what shall be done to a person who the king wishes to honor”? Haman, was certain that the king wished to honor him, so he responded: “Bring royal garments & a royal horse, & let one of the king’s nobles dress the man & lead him on the horse through the city streets, proclaiming: See what is done for the man whom the king wishes to honor!’… “Let it be so,” the King responded. “Now, go get the garments & the horse and do so for Mordechai the Jew!” Haman shocked & angry as he was, had no choice but to comply. He went & honored Mordechai as the king had ordered, but he couldn’t hold his grumbling tongue, so that Mordecai heard Haman telling one of the servants that soon he would be giving the orders as king. Haman planned kill the king when the attack on the Jewish people was occurring in order to blame it on them. Mordecai was able to tell the king of Haman’s plan & show him the gallows he had erected. At the 2nd feast prepared by Queen Esther, the king asked Haman what he would do if he knew someone was not honoring the king? Haman thinking of how Mordecai had not bowed down to him said, “I would hang him from the highest gallows & leave his body there for 3 days to rot as an example” The king paused. Then he asked Queen Esther “What is your request?” Queen Esther found the courage to reply saying: “If I have found favor in your eyes, O King, let the life of the Jewish people be saved, for they are my people.” Remembering the chronicles that listed Mordecai’s loyalty to the king, & of Haman’s evil plan, ordered that Haman be hanged on the very gallows he had built for Mordecai… On that day, Haman’s estate was given to Queen Esther, & Mordechai was appointed Prime Minister in Haman’s place… After that, Mordechai & Queen Esther established the holiday called “Purim” which means lots, to commemorate these revealing events Snip, snap, snout, this tail is all told out… And so yes dear friends, all that is hidden shall be revealed. Blessings to all ~hag 13 March 2025 - “Speaking with the Stars” THE SOUL CALENDAR, translated, with added titles, by Roy Sadler LENT II 20 March 2025 ~OSTARA - Come gather in Conscious Community for the Vernal Equinox 6 pm Potluck Biodynamic Prep-Stir - an gifting to the Elemental Beings w/ ~hag Bonfire w/ CG Song Circle w/ UVA & friends at the domicle of the Lucchesi-Archer-Ginsberg kin & kind RSVP The Tomb & the Womb – Rosicrucian Retort & Bridal Chamber w/ Mysteria Mystica Americana MAExploring the Vernal Equinox, the 100-year Anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s Death – & the Lapis Exillis for the next Century. Sunday 23 March 2025 live on Zoom 1 – 2:30 pm CDTJoin us in our Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 705 017 4041 Passcode: MA If you want to support the Biodynamic Farming done on Zinniker Farm, you are invited to become a paid subscriber, with all donations going directly to the farm Greetings Friend, you currently a free subscriber to Cognitive Ritual. Thank you for receiving my workings freely offered. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. ALL donations go to support Zinniker Farm - The oldest Biodynamic Farm in America! Together we can spiritualize the Universe. XOX ~hag |
Thursday, 13 March 2025
Moon PI Purim
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