March in like a Lion - Out like a Lamb. I am always amazed at how right-on this cliché is here in the Windy City every March 1st. The month of March is abundant with ‘Holy Days’, finding voice through many cultural expressions. With the New Moon, we just entered the Holy month of Ramadan - one of the Five Pillars of Islam, observed by Muslims worldwide marked by fasting from dawn to sunset , prayer, reflection, & community. It is also the time in which the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. March 4th is Fat Tuesday & the Festival of Mardi Gras. Which then sends us into the Lenten Season, with Ash Wednesday on March 5 – Beginning for us a recapitulation of Christ’s Temptation in the wilderness. Immediately after being Baptized by John the Baptist, Christ goes into the desert where he fasts for 40 days & nights. After this trial, the adversarial forces try to tempt Him. In the Lord's Prayer, we speak: "Lead us not into temptation" - a humble, trusting petition to enable us to overcome the onslaught of temptations that are constantly bombarding us. Prayer & watchfulness are the chief weapons against the lure of temptation. We can remember that God does not allow us to be tempted beyond the capacity of our strength. Lead us not into temptation - Help me to cleanse my Astral body of all false desire. Fill me with Love, that my cup may overflow to benefit all worlds. March 13th is the Jewish carnival-like celebration of Purim - commemorating a time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved by Esther. We will also experience a Global Event: Total Lunar Eclipse Begins: Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 10:57 pm CDT Maximum: Fri, Mar 14, 2025 at 1:58 am CDT Ends: Fri, Mar 14, 2025 at 5:00 am CDT Duration: 6 hours, 3 minutes 14 March is Marie Steiner von Sivers Birthday in 1867. 3.14 is also Pi day The 15th is the famous Ides of March; which we all know is the day Julius Caesar was warned by the soothsayers to beware; the day he was assassinated. But did you know that according to the ancient Roman calendar, the Ides of March was considered New Year’s Day, & marked the 1st day of Spring? March 17, brings us the ‘wearing of the green’ for St. Patrick’s Day. This former pagan used the shamrock to teach folks about the Trinity. We celebrate Spring or Vernal Equinox, on 20 March this year, also known as: Alban Eilir, Eostar, the Feast of Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Lady Day, Festival of Trees, NawRuz, Ostara, & the Rites of Spring – when the Sun, because of the ‘precession of the equinoxes’, enters the sign of Pisces, as opposed to the lunar cycle used by the ancients. Day & night are equal, poised & balanced, but about to tip over to the side of light. It is sacred to the twilight time of dawn, youth, the morning star & the East. The Saxon goddess, Eostre (from whose name we get the direction East & the name of the Holiday Easter) is a dawn goddess, like Aurora & Eos. Just as the dawn is the time of new light, so the Vernal Equinox is the time of new life. The Equinox is all about harmony & balance – that brief yet eternal time of equilibrium, when day & night are of equal length. The Iranian New Year celebration, Norooz, or ‘New Day’ also begins March 20. In 622 AD, Mohammed led his followers from Mecca to Medina to escape assassination. According to the story, when his pursuers reached the cave where Mohammed & his followers had taken shelter for the night, they found a dove nesting in front of it & the entrance covered by a spider’s web. So the pursuers passed on, leaving them in peace. Mohammed continued on to Medina, where he & his followers were able to worship freely. Muslims consider this flight — or Hijrah — to be the beginning of their calendar year. People worship quietly on this day, which begins with the 1st sighting of the crescent moon, & in keeping with the rebirth of nature is also considered the 1st day of Spring. For those working within the Christian Community Church, the 4 weeks of Passion-Tide begins 23 March.Julian P. Gufogg Two other holidays also get mixed up in this ancient symbolism of Spring’s fertility. March 25th is called the ‘Annunciation of Mary.’ – the day that the Angel Gabriel announced that Mary, the Christian version of The Sophia, was pregnant with the son of god ; who is born 9 months later, on Dec. 25th. How’s that for a nice little spring fertility symbol. March 25th is the Deathday of Novalis – age 28 in 1801 On Saturday, March 29, 2025, the Moon passes in front of the Sun, casting its shadow across the Atlantic Ocean for a partial Solar eclipse. The 100 year anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s Deathday in 1925 comes the next day - 30 March It is also the first day of Eid Al-Fitr commemorating the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. It begins at sunset - on the night of the first sighting of the crescent moon. It is also fitting that March is International Women’s month, since this is the time of the rebirth of nature. It’s a gentle reminder that we give birth to the future. The future is in our hands, the hands of the midwife, the lap of the mother, & the hands of the Peacemaker. So let’s honor ourselves & thank the powers of love & light, knowing, March may come in like a lion, but it goes out like a lamb – As we re-conceive of ourselves in alignment with the powers of Spring… Peace & Blessed Bee… ~hag 1 March 2025 – “Speaking with the Stars” WHAT IS YOUR DESTINY?From Necessity to Freedom – The Evolution of Human Consciousness - w/ Hazel Archer-Ginsbergfor The Minneapolis Theosophical Society Monday 10 March 2025 - on ZOOM - 7–9 pm CDT From the vaporous cleft of Mount Parnassus, and the birth place of Greek Philosophy, to Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, and the Holy Grail – From Prophesy to Warning, from Fate to Karma, From Destiny to Free Will. Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – Interdenominational Minister, Essayist, Presenter, Poet, Anthroposopher - Founding member of the Grand Lodge of (MA) Mysteria Mystica Americana - Cognitive Ritual: ~Confessions of a Modern Rosicrucian, & the ‘I Think Speech’ Podcast - YouTube Video Recordings Zoom: If you want to support the Biodynamic Farming done on Zinniker Farm, you are invited to become a paid subscriber, with all donations going directly to the farm Greetings Friend, you currently a free subscriber to Cognitive Ritual. Thank you for receiving my workings freely offered. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. ALL donations go to support Zinniker Farm - The oldest Biodynamic Farm in America! Together we can spiritualize the Universe. XOX ~hag |
Saturday, 1 March 2025
March in
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