Hey did they tell you? March is International Women’s month - as if this tossed crust could placate the patriarchal oppression – Anyhoo - it IS the time of the rebirth of Nature – so I’ll take it as a gentle reminder to SHOUT out that We Give Birth to the Future. The future is in our hands, the hands of the midwife, the lap of the mother, & the hands of the Peacemaker.
Today’s Feast Day gets gladly mixed up in this ancient symbolism of Spring’s fertility, for March 25th is called the ‘Annunciation of Mary.’ – the day pronouncing that the Christian version of The Sophia, is pregnant – giving birth 9 months later, on Dec. 25th - How’s that for a nice little Spring fertility symbol..?
The Feast of the Annunciation, the Feast of the Incarnation (Festum Incarnationis), Conceptio Christi (Christ’s Conception) - also known in its more humble peasant/pagan form as Lady Day - commemorates the visit of the Archangel Gabriel to the Luke Mary holding the energy of the Virgin Sophia, to facilitate the pouring in of the Holy Spirit, so that Mary could conceive the Son of God.
Ein Kerem, Church of Visitation
Gabriel’s salutation: “Hail, Mary full of grace, the LORD is with thee” (Luke 1:28; gratia plena Dominus tecum), gives way to Mary’s response to God’s will, “be it done to me according to thy word” (Luke 1:38; fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum). This “angelic salutation” is the origin of the Hail Mary prayer & The Angelus - the second part of the prayer, which comes from the salutation of cousin Elizabeth to Mary at the Visitation – celebrated in Eastern Christianity on March 30 – Rudolf Steiner’s Death-Day.
Interesting that this powerful Marian Feast is also the Death-Day of Novalis - an incarnation of Adam the first Earth human, Elijah, John the Baptist & the painter Raphael…(*see below)
Remember ladies - March comes in like a mama lion! AND even as it goes out like a lamb – we can all re-conceive of ourselves in alignment with the life affirming powers of Spring…
Make your Annunciation today! That your Conception Be Immaculate ~hag
Here is the recording exploring the energies & various cultural expressions of the Vernal Equinox w/ MA - Reverberations from the 100-year Anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s Death – & the Lapis Exillis for the next Century by Hazel Archer - w/Lisa Dalton, including leading thoughts by Grand Master Richard Cloud from our offering Sunday 23 March 2025 - Enjoy!
*1801 – Deathday of Novalis. From Rudolf Steiner: “…Novalis could glance back to a time in which gods moved among men, when everything took place spiritually because spirits and souls had not yet descended into earthly bodies. He perceived a point of transition: how death hit the world and how the human beings during this time placed death as their earthly shadowing and how he tried to brighten it up through fantasy and art. But death remained a riddle.
Then something of universal significance happened. Novalis could perceive the universal meaning of what had happened at that time on earth. Souls from the kingdoms of nature descended to the earth. Forgotten were the memories of their spiritual original existence, yet a unique spiritual Being remained in this universal womb of creation from which everything descended. One Being provisionally held back; it had held itself above and only provisionally sent its gift of grace downward, and then, when human beings needed it the most, it also descend into the earthly sphere. It remained in the spiritual spheres above the being of the spiritual light, this Being was hidden behind the physical sun. It held itself in heavenly spheres and descended when human beings needed to once again be able to rise up to spiritual worlds. It descended with the Mystery of Golgotha when Christ appeared in a physical body.
Humanity understands Christ in His universal unfolding when the life of Jesus of Nazareth is followed back to His spiritual origins, to the unsolvable riddle of death. The Greek spirit of death appears as a pondering muse, as an enigma which cannot be solved. Even the Greeks sensed that the riddle which is hidden in the youth’s soul, found its solution with the Event of Golgotha, that here victory overcomes death and as a result a new impulse is given to humanity.
This Novalis could see and as a result there appeared to him, from the mystery of faith and the mystery wisdom, the Star which the old Magi had followed. As a result he understood the actual essence of what the Christ death implied. In the night of the soul the riddle of death revealed itself to him, the riddle of the Christ. This was it, which this extraordinary individual wanted to learn — through the memory of earlier lives — what the Christ, what the event of Golgotha signified for the world.” ~ Novalis and his “Hymns to the Night” Lecture by Rudolf Steiner in Berlin, “Matinee” 26 October 1908
1867 – Birthday of Arturo Toscanini, Italian-American cellist & conductor
1918 – Deathday of Claude Debussy, French composer
Kathy Copeland Padden
1957 – United States Customs seizes copies of Allen Ginsberg’s poem “Howl” on obscenity grounds.
1965 – Civil rights activists led by Martin Luther King Jr. successfully complete their 4-day 50-mile march from Selma to the capitol in Montgomery, Alabama
~ Porfinio Jemenez
“Love works magic. It is the final purpose of the world story The Amen of the universe.” ~Novalis
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Greetings Friend, you currently a free subscriber to Cognitive Ritual. Thank you for receiving my workings freely offered. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. ALL donations go to support Zinniker Farm - The oldest Biodynamic Farm in America! Together we can spiritualize the Universe. XOX ~hag
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