1st impressions from the Fellowship Gathering: Souls stirring blood warm vortexes - We chewed the fat & ate the stars - Spinning the tap root up from the horned tip -Brimming out from our collective cornucopia - To feed the future - So that the Earth may Become – A Sun… My dear friends, WE are being called at this liminal time to shoulder the Threshold – & expand the boundaries - where our Divine purpose, & the World’s deep hunger meet… We are free, of course, to deny/ignore/run away/resist…this milestone moment…It doesn’t help that there is a kind of mass amnesia overlaying our reality, clouding our calling, masking the mission, or an egotistic mindset that sows enmity, dividing the team, so that many don’t remember what we came here to do - together - in this life. And yet the signs are everywhere. Carl Jung once said: “Whatever is rejected from the self, appears in the world as an event.”. What will it take for us to meet & collaborate with the forces of change? Ever adjusting to the ongoing shifts - To re-direct the interplay – to strive with exhilaration & gratitude, in the moxie of transformation, as we face the eternal flux? Dearly Beloved, the mission is to become a more True You - in accord with the Divine We - To revive the hive in 2025… The Alchemical Triple Goddess Brigid can be our guide & role-model. Her Celtic Feast Day Imbolc, which roughly translates to mean: ‘a Quickening in the Belly’, is celebrated at this Cross-Quarter time, heralding the promise of Spring – The perfect time for a re-dedication to our life purpose. As Goddess of Smith-Craft & the Sacred Forge, Brigid is representative of our fiery will force. Brigid invites us to heat up our dormant potential – to re-seed our perfect passion – to be-come the tools of our own self-same destiny… The name Brigid means ‘One who Exalts Herself’. She holds the Trinity in the unity of Maiden, Mother, Crone – past, present, future – aligning with the Threshold moments in the cycle of the year as path of initiation. She is said to have invented the Ogham alphabet; so Brigid is patron of the written word – especially Poetry – called ‘Fire in the head’. In Druid tradition, poetry is attendant with augury, so what would it be like to reclaim Brigit as the patron of our new clairvoyance..? Since Brigid is also associated with the Sacred Well, this fosters a deep healing of our vital formative forces, which strengthens our physical, & brings purification to our astral sheath. The Fire of will born from the “I” - represented by the Forge, brought into temperance as the banked Hearth fires, & combined with the healing waters, brings in the alchemy of medicine making – herbal potions, & a nurturing of Fertility. The joining of Fire & Water is an ancient alchemical symbol of the union of opposites – The Alchemical Marriage – which gives birth to the creative force. As modern Bards & Anthrosoph-Druids, Brigid can inspire all who align with her archetype. We are invited to acknowledge ourselves as re-dedicated instruments in a Christic re-kindling of a new vitality, germinating the seeds in an evolution of transformation. True Alchemy, as practiced by the modern Rosicrucian, is a process of spiritual / psychological development & progression. It can be summed up with the Latin words “Solve et Coagula” – 1st- Separation: Are you willing to name the dross – get the lead out – the junk that gets in the way? Will you take the time to step out of your shadow? Do you dare to look deep into those dark adversarial places we all harbor? YES, it’s Time to begin the process of freeing ourselves from any obstacle that may have become entrenched in our being… 2nd Stage: Purification: Dissolving all the impurities…flushing the roots…washing away…opening the flood gates…a dissolution percolating into those hard to reach places…stirring up what has long been submerged…purging those places that even the fire could not reach…perhaps you’d even like to brave the cold hard truth & plunge your whole self into the icy waters of the Holy well…will you leap into the pool of ablution? So cold it feels hot…getting your blood flowing…tingling with life force…the pores of your skin opening & closing like an excretory organ…waking up your sluggish nature…bringing you back to clarity & wholesomeness…a true Baptism…a rebirth that makes you feel brand new…let the waters of adaptability free you from the swamp…drink deep of the waters of the Holy well & let your authentic-self float confidently to the surface…remembering always, that yes, Brigid’s Holy Well is as close as your next glass of water… & the 3rd stage: The Refining/Re-combining – the creation of a unified self. Can you list your strengths? Those parts of you that are golden, (or perhaps silver – parts may need a little polishing) sweeping the hearth of your heart clean – re-forming…What are your good qualities?…those positive parts of yourSelf that you want to foster & encourage, affirm & strengthen… What Potentials do you want to focus on & give energy to…? Salt, Sulphur & Mercury, like the Maiden, Mother, Crone, make up the ‘Three Principles’ of Alchemy. Rosicrucianism which works with the cognitive imagination of this Spiritual Alchemy, is a world view aimed at understanding both the world around us, the world within us, & the correspondences between them. “Visita Inferiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem” = Seek out the lower reaches of the earth, perfect them, & you will find the hidden stone. In the meantime, as we do this deep work, we can stir the ethers with our sound vibration - Here’s my fav. CrossQuater Brigid anthem: “Holy water…Sacred Flame See you on the high road Imbolc! on the ‘I Think Speech‘ podcast THE SOUL CALENDAR - translated, with added titles, by Roy Sadler v43 v44 ONLINE COURSE IN 12 MEETINGS LINK TO REGISTER Mysteries of Egypt - The Hermetic WayThis Journey is sponsored by PLEROMA Viaggi, with Guide - Giorgio Tarditi Spagnoli PhD*9 days in Egypt: 31 May – 8 June 2025TRIP PROGRAMIf you want to support the Biodynamic Farming done on Zinniker Farm, you are invited to become a paid subscriber, with all donations going directly to the farm Greetings Friend, you currently a free subscriber to Cognitive Ritual. Thank you for receiving my workings freely offered. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. ALL donations go to support Zinniker Farm - The oldest Biodynamic Farm in America! Together we can spiritualize the Universe. XOX ~hag |
Monday, 3 February 2025
Fellow ship
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