So… horrible news.
I have a rat in my kitchen.
Better news.
I have inspectors coming to see where it got in and put down stuff to kill it.
Frustrating news.
The man who was supposed to do my yard work has flaked out… again. It's enough for me to decide to not even bother with him and look at a person I used before. I need to ask him if he'd be willing to do work on the yard every two months or so. I hope that's the case.
I have absolutely no way to physically maintain it on my own. Which is… very frustrating.
And where I live, they don't seem to have lawncare services to help the disabled or handicapped.
But, anyways… I'm using the energy that I have tonight to get the cat box/room situation figured out. The litterbox will once more grace the living room and their food/water bowls will be in the dining room.
Their beds and the smaller cat tower will be upstairs in consideration of space.
The whole room is going to be cleaned out sooo… My back room will then be more for my stuff and less for theirs. I think the organization will do all three of us good. Shelving for their food stuffs and supplies.
I've also figured out a way to save on some of the money that's been going into the "cat waste" budget. Liners. Liners will be a thing of the past starting tonight. To be fair, also, it's a nightmare to scoop with the liner. I've found pee on the outer fold… which put my floor at risk of having male cat pee on it.
Since the litterbox is going into the living room, there is literally no way for me to miss it and not hit it if I see some poo or wee accumulating in the box.
The main reason I'm doing all this though? The old cat is… aging.
More than she was. I mean, she was born in 2003, so she's already aging, but now it's just…
I recently saw her climbing up the stairs and saw one of her little legs wobbling… and I felt so bad. If I hurried her, I would feel like I scolded someone's granny for moving too slow.
Just like putting my bed on the floor and tossing the frame and headboard were for my other cat who was dying of cancer, this will be (hopefully) of some help to the old cat.
Oh boy… I hope this proves to be of a benefit for me. After all, I do have the rat issue to deal with. And monitoring their food intake will help curb that critter too. The dry stuff will go on the higher shelves to be on the safe side.
Do I have an organizational shelf? Sure do!
~J. Lyst
Every. Single. Time… that I assume I've wasted money buying something, it turns out to have a secondary benefit that I never thought of.
I'll be working on wire hygiene too. By that, I mean organizing the wires better than I have been.
As an additional bonus… all the cat litter is downstairs already, so I'll save myself the stress of hauling 21 lbs of cat litter upstairs each week.
Oh, and I'll still keep using the waste bags and blackout bags for their stuff, cos… whew! It keeps down the stench a lot. I might need to invest in smaller bags for the can if I'm emptying their trash can daily to cut down on smells.
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