There's a battle going onin the midst of a great and epic wara battle that must be wonfor memories of what went before. Many will fall each dayas advances and retreats are calledlose heart not they sayfalling forward as you are sprawled. It's slot… | James Callahan May 11 | There's a battle going on in the midst of a great and epic war a battle that must be won for memories of what went before. Many will fall each day as advances and retreats are called lose heart not they say falling forward as you are sprawled. It's sloth that brought it on and sloth that must be undone in this great and epic war in this battle that's just begun. Refuse the easier of ways as indolence subverts each application tallying all hardship of days spent in calculated self-privation. For there's a battle going on in your midst and at the waist a battle that must be won to retain dignity and avoid disgrace. | | | | You can also reply to this email to leave a comment. | | | | |
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