| camestrosfelapton January 30 | Thanks for everybody who shared ballots so far.I did a preliminary analysis yesterday but it only includes some of the ballots. I intended to add more but I got distracted by Best Editor Long. A very quick refresher on EPH. You can nominate up to five things. EPH tallies each nominee in two ways. - Firstly a simple count of how many people nominated Work X. So if 10 people nominated it then Work X has 10 raw votes. This number takes precedence.
- Secondly, for each voter, the work gets some points. If I nominate 5 things and one of them is Work X then it gets 1/5 points (0.2). If I only nominated 4 things it gets 1/4 points (0.25). The total number of points is tallied up.
The EPH process is a series of head to head elimination rounds. The two nominees with the fewest number of points are picked out. Whichever of the two has the most RAW VOTES (not points but actual votes) wins that round. The loser is eliminated. | | | | You can also reply to this email to leave a comment. | | | | |
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