My Prayer!
Our Heavenly Father who are in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, who created the heavens and earth, and all creatures great and small, by your word were they created. Thank you Father for molding mankind from the dust of the earth and then breathing life into our nostrils by you spirit making us living souls. When Satan beguiled Eve by twisting your words causing her to break your garden rules by eating the forbidden fruit and she gave Adam to eat causing sin and death upon mankind. Thank you Father that by Your grace You gave Your only begotten Son to die on an old rugged cross and shed His blood and be laid in a tomb, only to rise the third day giving victory over sin and death unto Eternal life by believing on Jesus's death, burial and resurrection. Thank you Father for this Salvation and Eternal life in Jesus name! I pray that you will be with the sick, poor and hurting people; Father there are so many that need you to touch their body, mind and soul! I pray that they would read your word and pray everyday.
Heavenly Father I pray that people will pray for their country and other countries of the world, such as Israel, Ukraine and those in Russia that are suffering because of a greedy, corrupt leadership. I pray the people will come to you for refuge and strength. I pray for these people that are not saved that they will somehow hear the gospel and be redeemed and stop their wicked ways. I pray for a great harvest of souls as your word is proclaimed across the nations through our conversation here and abroad through technologies we have today. Dear Father, I pray for the out reach of our church, the ministry depots, clothes for you ministry and the youth ministries; I pray for the people to come to the church and hear the gospel preached. I thank you for our leadership at Corner Stone and for our Pastor and his dear wife Nancy for their faithfulness these past twenty-five years! I ask that you will bless those on the mission fields as they teach and aid the people; may the gospel bring in many people to the Family of God, your precious family. Red, yellow, black or white all are precious in your sight, yes, you love all the children of the world! Dear Father, I pray for Holy men and women to stand up for Jesus and be soldiers of the Cross from victory to victory not suffering loss! I thank you for the hymn writers who wrote great hymns with the gospel included and guide these hymn writers by your spirit as they write! Help us to wait upon you and not get impatient; Your time is the right time, may we be patient and wait upon your time and your plan because you are the Master and know the way to step so we will miss the snares of Satan and not stub our toes and trip. I thank you Heavenly Father; I thank you Jesus the SON; I thank you Holy Spirit; I thank you Holy Trinity for the great victories won! It is my prayer that each one of your children will wait upon the Lord every moment of everyday walking in faith beside you . I thank you and PRAISE YOU for hearing and answering our prayers! IN Jesus precious name that I say I love You and Praise You! AMEN AND AMEN!
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