Welcome to the 10th anniversary of IAVOM, a meme which commenced on an inauspicious November Monday, with the sole purpose of encouraging me to pick flowers or other material from the garden on a regular basis. It must have worked because, ten
years and 520 vases later, it is still going. My favourite vase from each of the last 12 months is shown in the collage below - July presented the hardest choice!

From the first few vases, I was joined along the way by other bloggers, and together we have learned the pleasure not only of appreciating our garden treasures at closer quarters inside our homes, but also the joy of looking at our gardens in a different way to source our cutting material. We have also built up a supportive community from which we draw benefits too numerous to mention - thank you to one and all, whether a vase-contributor or vase-commentator. The names of everyone who comments on this anniversary post will go into a draw to win this rather appropriate adult colouring book:

I set a challenge for today's contributions, to post a vase that wasn't a vase. In my case, I felt I ought to exclude any non-vases that had already been used, like jugs, jars, bottles, ink pots, etc, but I shan't think any the worse of anyone who isn't as strict with themselves! After much deliberation and a change of plan for the blooms I planned to use, today's vase substitute is a doll's plastic boot, one of the many quirky things that sits on one of my numerous shelves of dust-collecting stuff. For what it is, the details are surprisingly realistic, from the replica stitching to the surface that looks and somehow feels like real leather. Filling it is a clutch of Persicaria 'Inverleith' stems and foliage of Pittosporum 'Gold Star'. The persicaria, like all its family, is very much as tough as old boots, and this variety, shorter than many, is still covered by pristine blooms whilst others are on the wane.

The unlikely prop, to support the toughness of the persicaria, is a miniature boxing glove, which came attached to a pair of the Golfer's trainers some years ago, originally functioning, I recall, as a keyring. Props are not obligatory on IAVOM but provide additional stimulation for our ageing brain cells, so if you would like to join us today with or without one then please leave links to and from this post when you upload your own.
Finally, as promised last week, I am arranging another virtual get-together on Zoom at 18.00 GMT on Sunday 26th November. Please let me know if you would like to join us and I will email you nearer the time with further details.

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