What is the last thing your mom or dad said NO to? Why did they say no?
We all like to hear "yes" instead of "no" don't we? If we ask to do something we want the answer to be yes. But sometimes the best answer is not yes. Sometimes we ask for things that aren't good for us. Things that might hurt us. And so mom and dad, or your teacher, might need to say no to you in order to help you.
God is the same way. God will always answer us when we talk to him. Sometimes he might say yes. Sometimes he might say wait. Sometimes he might say no. Why? Because he always knows what is best for us. But God will always, always, always say yes to us when we ask him for something that he has promised to us in the Bible. How do we know? Because he has already given us everything in Jesus. Listen to how the Apostle Paul explains it to the Corinthians:
2 Corinthians 1:20. For all the promises of God find their Yes in him [Jesus]. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.
Jesus is God's great big YES! Every promise God has ever made has been answered in and through what Jesus has done for us on the cross.
- God promises to love us. Will he keep that promise? YES! How do we know? Because of Jesus.
- God promises to always be with us. Will he keep that promise? YES! How do we know? Because of Jesus.
- God promises to take us to heaven one day. Will he keep that promise? YES! How do we know? Because of Jesus.
Now, because God has said yes to us in Jesus, we can say yes to him too. Yes, to loving others. Yes, to sharing. Yes, to being kind. Yes, to helping. Yes, to obeying. And yes to trusting him more and more each day.
Because of Jesus God will always say yes to all he has promised.
With Jesus we can say yes to God, trusting him more each day.
Why not have a family "Yes Day" (or "Yes Hour)?" Or, is there a promise you've made to your kids that you haven't kept yet? Why not now? Talk about how God says Yes to us through Jesus.
Jesus, you and the Holy Spirit are the proof that God will always keep all his promises to us. Thank you for being God's great big YES. Amen.
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