Summer is here, at least in my part of the world (which is Oslo, Norway), where we've had some really nice, sunny weather over the last few days, and it seems like it will just keep getting warmer. The sun is our life-giver and energizer, and I'm looking forward to spending some more time outside, on the beach and generally out in nature, to soak up the healing, uplifting rays and just enjoy life and what this season has to offer. And with Venus recently moving into Leo, which will last some time, due to a retrograde later in the year, it feels like the stage is set for love, passion and heart-driven activities. We can allow this Venus/Leo energy to fuel us and direct it into all areas of our lives, wherever we feel it's needed the most, be it our relationships, self-love, creative projects, or all those and more.
I still feel the need to take things somewhat slow, as I am still experiencing a lot of energetic shifts, yet I'm beginning to feel like I'm slowly coming out of the most intense part of my purging and clearing. That's not to say that I won't still experience some deep dives occasionally, but everything feels calmer now, and more gentle. I am beginning to be more in the flow of love, my heart center is being activated more often, and perhaps most importantly, I feel more love towards myself, and it feels like that is where my attention needs to be right now. So with Venus in Leo, which will last until the first part of October, I will set an intention to put myself and my needs first, not in a selfish way, but in a caring and kind way, tapping into the courage of the lion, treasuring and nurturing my inner child, so that she can truly begin to shine.
If you have followed my blog for a while, you will know that the process of ascension (as I like to refer to it) that I have been in for a while, began in earnest back at the beginning of 2017. This is when synchronicities, as well as inner and outer experiences led me to a twin flame and kundalini awakening that felt deep and profound on so many levels. It brought on many changes both in my outer reality, with a divorce and subsequent move back to Norway, but especially in my inner realm, where it thrust me into a deep healing and purging process to clear away past traumas, wounds and pain that have bogged me down all my life. This process is still continuing, but now, 6,5 years in, I am really starting to notice more lightness in my energy field, as much of what I was carrying of past heaviness has been released.
The process, the way I see it, is all about coming back to love, which is first and foremost within, at the core of our being. But it's also about finding our power, which we gain through the alchemy of integrating our past pain and traumas with outer challenges that are brought on by our environment, first and foremost our twin flame, but also other friends, family, our jobs and other life circumstances. Rethinking how we see and experience love is perhaps the biggest, yet most challenging gift of this process, but it's all about bringing us back to unconditional love, and clearing out all the blocks that our past wounds have created against it. This is why the twin flame journey can get so intense at times, as your twin flame will often times do the very opposite of what you would expect a person who loves you would do, yet perhaps that is in a way a sign of a deeper love, that your twin gives you what your soul needs, not what your ego needs.
This twin flame triggering and purging process can be so confusing and crazy at times, but when you can get into the habit of looking below the surface experiences, you will find that each time there is a greater lesson: wounds and convictions that need to heal and shift. Each time this happens we heal more, release more, and get closer to our soul, our truth (as well as universal truths) and the love within. The process has taught me (and continues to teach me) so many things about myself, and how many misconceptions and unhealthy patterns I've had in life and especially my relationships. I can see how my unhealthy attachment style always made me go from relationship to relationship, being dependent on a partner in order to feel loved and secure, not being able to find that within myself. Which is why the process has forced me to be single since my split from my husband in 2017, so that I could learn to love myself, and give myself what I need to be happy, not rely on others to do so ( and get upset when they inevitably don't).
Although it has not been an easy journey, now I'm finally beginning to feel more and more unconditional love for myself, and releasing more and more the need for a partner to love me. Things that used to trigger me don't so much anymore, and I'm finding more and more peace within myself and my life. I'm not 100% there yet, but it's coming. And with this opening up to love within me, comes more clarity, more creativity and more energy. It takes time, and the process is slow in many ways (although when you think about how much stuff that is being healed and cleared, perhaps 6,5 years isn't that long after all). Yet, it needs to be slow because it's deep and thorough. It leaves no stone unturned, and you cannot shy away from any of it, even though you may want to at times, as it can be exhausting. But it's worth it, as you come back to your true self and begin to live the life you truly want to live, in alignment with your soul.
So I trust that this period with Venus in Leo will help me to integrate even more of the love and truth of my soul, and that I can begin to express even more of it back into the world, too. It has always been my belief that I am going through all of this not just for my own benefit, but in order to be able to help and give to others in a deeper, more complete way, too. Which is something that we can all learn to do. By healing ourselves and releasing the inner blocks that stand in our way, we all can find happier, more fulfilling lives in alignment with who we truly are. We find ease, love and flow, simply by being ourselves. We just have to clear what stands in the way of that. So why not join me for this Venus in Leo time, and focus on yourself and your own healing so that you can get closer to experiencing life the way you're truly meant to live it! And if you feel you need some support and assistance with that, feel free to contact me, if you feel called to work with me in some capacity.
With that I sign off for today, and as always, send you much love & light!
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