Homecoming Codes coming in now are a powerful invitation into your inner home and into a growing sense of how to co-create the outer home and relationships you most want as well.
Jelelle Awen shared a piece this week that she wrote with her Inner Earth Lemurian soul aspect, Ruma. Ruma offers a potent message about how we are all in a sacred recoding process not only for us personally but for all of humanity too. Inner Earth Lemuria is yet another soul 'home' that you may resonate with as you take in her words and feel what they mean to you personally.
Jelelle also shares a video with more about the Homecoming Codes group call with her and Raphael tomorrow, Oct 16th at 5pm WEST/12pm EDT. This group call will focus on digesting and letting in the Homecoming Codes individually and as a group. This group call will take place on Zoom and be by donation.
Jelelle and Kasha will lead a women's group call on Sunday, Oct 30th, on Zoom and by donation. This call will focus on exploring the Shadow Feminine, which is a deep process with many gifts!
If you'd like more information on any of our upcoming group calls, visit soulfullheart.org/events.
There are a few new writings from us this week, including more digestions of these Homecoming Codes, sharings about personal process, and invitations into new ways to feel your own process/journey right now.
Jelelle led a livestream on Facebook on 10/10, talking about the 10/10 codes coming in and also leading a short guided meditation to feel them for yourself. The link to the recording can be found in this Museletter.
You can find our current Museletter here: https://mailchi.mp/c4f3f47df8e8/soulfullheart-museletter-you-are-recoding-message-from-inner-earth-lemuria
If you'd like to subscribe to receive our Museletters and other announcements in your own inbox, you can do so on our website: soulfullheart.org, or you can scroll to the bottom of this issue and click "subscribe".
Much love from all of us!
~ the SoulFullHeart Community
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