I am very excited with what almost feels like a manic high, but also feels grounded into a bunch of heart and soul journey coming together into a nexus point that's been tempered with many lows.
I wanted to share this post with our audience here on Facebook which I also shared in our private online Mighty Network group yesterday called The Soulfullheart Portal. https://soulfullheartportal.mn.co/
Jelelle, myself and Gabriel and Kasha got together the day before yesterday to discuss and feel together more about how we'd like to approach and give structure to the Soulfullheart Portal and online community we're creating.
One of the pieces I've been feeling is the invitation to lead with transparency as we go, invite your input, rather than create some big program that we think will be what people want and will respond to, launching that, and then being with the result which is often less than we hoped for, and quite possibly underwhelming for members as well. I so welcome your thoughts in the comments below.
It's so interesting to feel deeper into who it is that would be drawn to the SFH Portal, and to me in the moment, I'm particularly feeling the lone wolf energy in people who know what they don't want, what they can't resonate with, and how that can feel like most everything that's being offered out there. They're left with a lot of despair to try and live life with. I know that from my own experience.
I also know that anything that is driven by a lot of hype and salesy energy, only feeds that despair, and yuck inside. Add that to the ever so rapidly changing world we find ourselves in and that's a supersized side of despair with that yuckburger!
What we are seeing as a collective is the whole internet is rumbling around the ideas of 'creators creating content and building audience' from which to leverage something, usually money, to the missing community, real community, where real needs get met and real connections are made, meaningful connections.
How many people would like to toss their devices and laptop for the sheer boredom of the thing, but feel trapped to do life without the need to be online. Online with what? OK, maybe that's not one or the other, but I bet you know what I'm talking about. How many have bailed on Facebook for instance?
Jelelle and I are feeling to do a livestream and talk openly about these pieces soon, but asking your input and telling you what we're thinking in the meantime felt good too.Here's a couple specifics of what we're seeing and learning:
We're seeing that having a paid community, as in a monthly subscription makes for way higher engagement over a free community. This is true for communities in general, but seems to be particularly the case for us.
Many have seen our offer to join the free portal as it stands now, they've clicked the join button, answered the question, been sent their approval, but haven't actually joined. So that feels like what's going on there is about people having a feeling of 'oh, this could be a good thing' and click, and then largely forgetting about it. If they do go on to actually join, we see that many members then don't engage, load a picture of themselves, etc, and their membership is not much more than being a member of many forgotten groups on FB. I don't mean to be negative, but I do need to look at and feel what doesn't excite me. And I don't think it does anything for members that do want a warmer, more engaged, interactive community.
I've been that kind of disengaged member myself, which really isn't a member of anything, but a member of something boring, and depleting like most of the internet for that matter. No judgment on you or I for contributing to that, but the yuck is an opportunity to ask what we really want and why.
So that's a big one we see, is that a paid subscription is a big part of creating something different. How do you feel about that?
We had been seeing a free portal up till now and then later offering paid community based courses to the membership as a place to rally deeper engagement and as a way to generate income for ourselves, but this is now changing too to seeing and feeling how people don't really want all the content that course planners create. We have created so much content on our website, blog and youtube channel and engagement there is so small compared to what we want, desire and need. But people don't want content, they want community is what we are learning. I don't want content. I want community.
Anyways, there's lots more energy and emotional transparency to share around this and that feels best to save for more updates soon, but I wanted to ask your input as we go as that would help us continue to sort and evolve.
Mostly, we want a place where people really want to be, where they come alive, where they invite their friends, where they grow and are challenged, where they feel like they've entered a NEW world, that they could even justify paying for, exchanging for the goodness. A world of a bunch of content, even really good content (like ours) is NOT that world however. Something different is needed.
Can you feel the itch we are scratching?
Thank god we're still a tiny group on a new impulse and can sort as we go.
Xo, Raphael
(Further to this update above is that we have now as of today changed the membership offer from free to $22.22 USD per month. If you've been around us long enough to know you'd like to go further in deeper intimacy with us and growing community, please head over to https://soulfullheartportal.mn.co/ and join in. I hold every single member as a sacred gift and an opportunity to share our gifts as well.)
Raphael Awen is a Sacred Masculine Love Ambassador and Co-Creator/Teacher/Facilitator/Ambassador of SoulFullHeart Healing, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about 1:1 individual sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, virtual group calls, writings/books, and videos, visit soulfullheart.org
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