Today's post is brought to you by the letter M: that is to say, with thanks to my mate Martin for flagging Mattiel's single which name-checks the actor and pianist Jeff Goldblum to me, which I really like and have listened to a lot since he did, although this opening paragraph would work much better if he'd had the decency to be called Meff Moldblum.

"My crush on Jeff Goldblum is very real," lead singer Mattiel Brown recently said. "He inspired the words – but this is more of a dream where a Jeff lookalike meets me in a bathroom." Okay....

The official video is just a load of clips from Goldblum's movies Earth Girls Are Easy and The Fly, so instead here's the band performing it on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert:

Like it? You can download the track for £1 here, and/or pre-order the forthcoming album Georgia Gothic here.

More soon.

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