I have so enjoyed the bright green carex in last week's vase, still looking just as vibrant seven days later, that I decided to continue the grassy theme today. Instead of cutting a grass this week though, I dug up a little clump of Carex comans 'Bronco' and pushed it into this little cuboid pot, purchased from Chive after admiring the delightful animal vases Sandra of Wild Daffodil had discovered on their stand at Chelsea one year. Spoiled for choice, I couldn't decide on which animal vase to purchase and ended up ordering a clutch of these vases instead, in different colourways. The grass is one of a number of cheeky grasses in the garden, lulling you into a false sense of security by sitting there prettily, waiting to be admired and petted, before dispatching its offspring far and wide when your back is turned. Digging up a clump for a vase just reduces the number ending up on the compost heap...

The grass is clearly tufty, so is unlikely to object to the use of the word as a nickname, and with this title in mind my thoughts went out to one of our very first guinea pigs, who shared the same name and for similar reasons. Even as adults, my girls and I are still inevitably drawn to the guinea pig enclosure in any pet shop or farm or children's zoo, to ogle and admire whatever selection of pogglepogs (our pet name for them!) there might be, and Elder Daughter recently succumbed to a new generation, 30 years or so after the last, much to the chagrin, I expect, of her younger sister who anticipated she would be the first to do so... Unable to lay my hands on a photo of ginger-coloured Tufty herself, today's prop is a photo of some of her children, and both of mine (minus their heads):

Guinea pigs, or other livestock for that matter, are not an essential part of IAVOM - all that is needed is for you to venture into your garden or forage locally and find something to pop into a vase or jam jar or otherwise display, to bring pleasure into your home. If you would like to share it with the wider IAVOM community too, just leave the usual links to and from this post.

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