by Kasha Rokshana

Tomorrow is Imbolc, a festival that takes place at the midpoint between winter and spring and an energy that begins to illuminate the path behind and the way ahead.

Last year at this time I was living in Glastonbury and I found myself deeply connecting to the energies of this time of year. I also connected to the Brigid, the face of Divine Mother who is particularly present at this time. She had a lot to offer about how now is a time when what has only felt possible may become imminent as the winter of waiting overturns and the spring of new arisings and arrivals comes in.

At the time, I could only begin to feel what she meant… yet a day or so later, Gabriel crossed the space to me and we began to reunite and repair our Sacred Union which until then had felt 'complete'. Raphael and Jelelle had already been exploring their own reunion after a brief period of separation and completion of old ground as well. My mate ache had really been peaking at the time too and it was becoming so challenging to hold it and not feel frustration around it. It was as if I knew somehow that my mate was in my field and close by too, though I hadn't quite put together yet just HOW close!

This time last year there were also several souls who were deepening in community with us, or would be soon. After their resonance with us dissipated, it brought us all into a place of reevaluating where SoulFullHeart was going and what we were trying to seed in the world. It was an opportunity to look back at what we had held within and with others and what we needed to look at ourselves but also what resolve within us needed to strengthen.

Imbolc and Brigid's fire of rebirth and illumination started a process of next-level resonance explorations in our intimate relationships, our relationship to this process and way of life we embody and offer, and also our relationship to our geography. The guidance to leave the UK and head to Portugal became clearer and clearer by the onset of spring, and by mid-summer, we were on our way.

This Imbolc, I feel the same message from Brigid with a few additions:

"May the possible become imminent, for the sake of your explorations of all that is truly current in your inner and outer worlds. May the promise of a new, Divine dawn, become sparked within and spread as an awakened sunrise on the horizon with all its colours on display.

May you continue to awaken as individual flames of humanity's sacred truth… that you were never rendered completely powerless, that you were brought here for a reason, and though the way forward may need more illumination, the candle is in your Divine Self's hands.

You have a ways to travel yet, but hope is on your side… and though the new world has only begun to seed itself, the sprouts of what is to come arrive like snow drop flowers through the cold and frozen ground.

Whenever you need the light of my fire, just ask. Whenever you need the nourishment of my fields of plenty, growing upward from the soil of the old, simply arrive for the arising.

I love you. I am here for the burning up of what was and celebrating with you all of your steps into the new.

Brigid 🔥"

I feel tears for the cries of the world as I take in what Brigid is offering us all in this message and I feel her encouraging me personally to continue to embody what I am here to explore and embody… it's a sad time to be alive, with the Great Passing we are moving through (I wrote about it here) and yet with the Divine connections and support available to us all, I feel a peace and aliveness within at the same time.

We are living through one of the most trying times in our human history since Atlantis perhaps, yet here we ARE, placed here for a reason, choosing to stay or not, and empowered in all of it. It's a deadly time in one way and so deeply alive in another!

I am sending all my love outward and inward today and as Imbolc's energies land in your own heart, soul, and sacred life… may this current phase you are completing bring the portal to the next one in with as much grace as possible.


Imbolc/Brigid artwork by Wendy Andrews


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women's Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.