by Kasha Rokshana

You came here to be…

A mess.

Sometimes a mother, sister, father, or brother.

Sometimes a son or daughter.

Sometimes a Queen or King.

Sometimes feeling connected to the Divine, sometimes not.

Sometimes feeling whole, sometimes feeling fractured.

Sometimes feeling happy, sometimes feeling depressed.

You came here to experience your humanity as you embody your divinity.

You came here to be fully human and somehow, as you feel more worthy of it, fully divine too.

You came here to sometimes be the trigger and the triggered.

You came here to realize that even in all your lostness, you will always be found…

Even when parts of you would rather hide from the impact of life, love, and growth for the rest of their lives…

To embrace the ups, downs, and everything in-between

Is the ongoing journey of learning and discovering.

It's the ongoing unplugging from the Matrix you've grown up in, happening in ways sometimes unknown.

For me,

The way has often been messy. The forest cannot always be seen for the trees surrounding me. Sometimes the hills have seemed much harder to climb than the experience of actually climbing them turns out to be. Sometimes I've felt crucified by others, but more so by soul aches and pains and inner punishment. I've felt with parts of me the desire to push away at love rather than let in and so many of the forms that's taken. I've felt the pressure of an entire generation of healers and creatives, who feel they have to be, look, or seem one way when they are really in deep need of being held and felt.

The way of letting in Divine love is always unique,

Will always move YOU into the situations you most need in order to feel where to go next within you,

To make room for more of the Divinity waiting for your humbled embodiment.

It won't look the way parts of you have imagined it would,

And it won't be an easy path,

But it will be fraught with grace,

Laden with love,

And held by the Divinity of a world that is both dying and being reborn at the same time… within and without.

Lots of love,

Kasha ♥


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women's Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.