Well friends, here we are again, at the edge. How will you step off? Tonight at the stroke of Midnight, many Biodynamic Farmers around the world, will be creating one of the BD preparations that most folks don’t get to experience – The ‘Three Kings Prep’ designed by Hugo Erbe, a contemporary of Dr. Rudolf Steiner. The indications say that on New Year’s day - grind by hand, gold, frankincense & myrrh. This reflects the gifts brought by the 3 Wise Magi, rooted in esoteric teachings, as an offering to the Matthew Jesus child. These 3 sacred substances, serve as sacrificial gifts to the Elemental Beings. Gold - a symbol of exoteric wisdom-filled power & the wisdom of the past – Frankincense - a symbol of the World Ether weaving around us as a ‘gesture’ or intention of sacrifice, in which the Spirit is living - also symbolizing the transience of the present – Myrrh - a symbol of the victory of life over death - And of the forces of the present pointing into the future. Then on 6 January (12th Night - Epiphany or 3 Kings Day) we stir this preparation in an undulating water vortex for an hour - & then walk the perimeter of the land, spraying it outwards, creating a circle of protection & light. Hugo Erbe speaks of the significance of water in this process. “In the context of human evolution, the time when it was spiritually appropriate to make burnt offerings must be held to belong to the past. Appropriate for our present time, and therefore effective, are offerings made with water. This is the reason why a water-based form for the sacrificial substances belonging to The Three Kings Preparation had to be found.” We spray & circumambulate with hearts full of the warmth of love, acknowledging our responsibility of stewarding the Earth, making a commitment to the Elemental Beings & the ‘Spirit of Place’ - giving them this ‘Spiritual Sustenance’. This year it may not happen on Zinniker Farm because Markus fell in the barn & broke his leg – requiring surgery where they had to put metal pins in!Dear Friends, as you know when you become a paid subscriber of Cognitive Ritual all your donations go directly to the farm – Last year you gave over $5000 to help sustain this amazing Biodynamic legacy.If you haven’t taken up a paid subscription, now would be the perfect time, as the Zinniker’s have a huge hospital bill.You can also go directly to their web site to donate if you prefer. https://www.zinnikerfarm.com/aboutPlease consider starting the New Year with your generous supportxoxO Human Soul - What will you offer as Spiritual Sustenance? What will you asperge? To acknowledge the past, purify the present, & broadcast into the future? May Love Thrive in 2025 Blessings dear hearts on this Hidden Holy Night ~hag “…If the birth of spiritual knowledge within us leads to that frame of mind which is in accord with a true ‘Christmas Initiation,’ we are preparing ourselves for a new ‘Cosmic New Year’… At this sacred season, we turn from the little New Year, (of 12 months), to the great Cosmic New Year, (a cycle of 12,000 years) - from the New Year’s Eve of our year, to that for which we are preparing ourselves, by endeavouring—now in this present Winter-Tide—to behold the light, which in a normal elemental way flows into the human being as inhabitant of the Earth, only at the Cosmic New Year. We really only see the world in the true light, when we grasp what is around us, not only as it is presented to our senses —as materialists do—but when we accept all that is about us in the outer world as a symbol of the great secrets of the universe. Then, when New Year draws near, a message from spiritual worlds approaches, and unveils for us the mysteries connected with the birth of the New Year; and declares, ‘Behold, now in the depths of the dark cold winter, how the consciousness of the plant world (the etheric realm of formative forces) unites with the mineral (the physical) consciousness of the earth. Let this be to you a sign that the Earth too has its year—the great Cosmic year - of which Zarathustra spoke long ago, explaining how the world passed on from one great New Year’s Eve to another; this must be understood by those who really seek to comprehend the course of human evolution.’ This fact is deeply rooted in spiritual mysteries. So, from a deeper understanding of our Spiritual Science, let us accept a true Christmas attitude of reverence. Let us develop within our hearts that inner warmth which comes, when in the frosty night of Winter, we receive the first intimation of the dawning of the Sun-Spirit on the Earth, and with it the mystery of the revolving year. The Thirteen Holy Nights is the time in which the plant-consciousness unites with the mineral consciousness. If a person is able to place themself within the (etheric aura of) plant consciousness, they can gain a conception of the many mysteries (such as a vision of Christ in the aura of the Earth) which then opens the human heart, such as occurred in the Legend of the Dream Song of Olaf Oesteson. When we feel such a mood of initiation, we evoke the proper feelings and perceptions for the aims and objects of our spiritual knowledge, and with such warmth of heart, we shall make preparations for the new Cosmic New Year for the world. Through it we can worthily prepare for that time, when in succeeding incarnations our souls experience the Cosmic New Year under quite new conditions on Earth. This is the secret of our existence. Everything is in great as in small, and in small as in great. The small, the yearly cycle, can only be understood aright when it becomes for us a symbol of the mighty events of the Cosmos—of the vast cycle of thousands of years. When we understand this yearly course aright, we are filled, in this important night in which a New Year begins, with thoughts of great Cosmic mysteries. Let our endeavour be to attune our souls, that they may look forward to the New Year with this conscious thought: ‘I will accept the year as a symbol of the great Cosmic year which contains all mysteries, through which pass and repass the Divine Beings who accompany our souls from aeon to aeon, as the lesser gods follow the secret development of plant and mineral existence throughout the course of an Earth year” ~Rudolf Steiner, Festivals of the Seasons - Meditations on the New Year: The Year as a Symbol of the Great Cosmic Year, 31 December 1915, Dornach Here is the recording of Winter Solstice w/ Mysteria Mystica Americana MA - A Special gift from the Grand Lodge of MA: Richard Cloud, Hazel Archer, Lisa Dalton + guests: Michael Draskovic, Russell Blackstone These ADVENT recordings are also my gift to you ~hag.:. The Fellowship of Preparation Makers' annual gathering, to be held this year in Viroqua, WI. Registration and further info will be posted on their page as it becomes available: https://www.biodynamics.com/content/fellowship-preparation-makers . If you want to support the Spiritualization of the Earth thru the Biodynamic Farming done on Zinniker Farm, you are invited to become a paid subscriber, with all donations going directly to the farm Greetings Friend, you currently a free subscriber to Cognitive Ritual. Thank you for receiving my workings freely offered. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. ALL donations go to support Zinniker Farm - The oldest Biodynamic Farm in America! Together we can spiritualize the Universe. XOX ~hag |
Tuesday, 31 December 2024
NYE: the Hidden Holy Night
Monday, 30 December 2024
Virgin Eve
“…at Winter Solstice the Sun stands at its lowest point in the year, and starting around December 25th, begans to ascend. During the 13 Holy Nights the Ascended Masters of Ancient Wisdom, the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth, have a convocation in high spirit realms, from which they send out the power of the Sun of the coming year, to those people who want to devote themselves entirely to them, to entirely align their personality with them, asking them for strength and inspiration. If one celebrates the 12 days and 13 nights of Christmas in this way, asking the Masters in this way, then they send their vitality into these people, so that the power of the Masters works through them. ~Rudolf Steiner, 13 December 1905 - GA 266/1 I greet you on this the eve of NYE. Welcome dear friends, to our Holy Nights Series. We have been following the indications from the great Anthroposophical Initiate Sergei O. Prokofieff, based on the insights of Dr. Rudolf Steiner – taking us on the path from Jesus to Christ, starting from the feet of Pisces, the sphere of the human being, up to the Mystic Lamb of Aries. And today we enter the 7th Holy Night: rising up from the lower Zodiac into the ascended signs, to meet 1st, the Constellation of Virgo, the Virgin (ruling the abdomen & digestive system) This is The Sphere of the Kyriotetes, the Spirits of Wisdom, the Dominions, the top of the 2nd Hierarchy Here we contemplate the imagination of the Heavenly Virgin- an indication of the Cosmic Being of The Divine Sophia – the Archetypical Wisdom of the World Soul – depicted in the 12th chapter of the Apocalypse of St John, as the ‘Woman clothed with the Sun’, wearing a crown of stars, & standing on the sickle moon, with the dragon at her feet. The Virgin gives birth to the Sun - & is then clothed by the Sun: This is a symbol of the birth of the etheric body. We find all these qualities in the being of the Mary of the Luke Gospel, a reflection of this Heavenly Sophia – her twin soul. This Pure Innocent Virgin Mary, like the Nathan Jesus spoken about in the Gospel of Luke, is that spiritual part of Eve & Adam that did not pass thru the fall, but stayed in the ‘Mother Lodge’ until their incarnation at the ‘Turning Point of Time’, as Madonna & Child. Spiritual Science tells us The older, wise Mary of the Matthew Gospel, on the other hand, was the 1st earthly woman - the earlier incarnation of Eve - who took on the burden of the fall thru many incarnations. In the 5th Gospel, Rudolf Steiner tells us that right before the Baptism, the 2 Mary’s became united, to create a vessel for The Divine Sophia. After this merging, the Mary of the Matthew Gospel becomes the earthly reflection of the Divine Sophia, opening the way for humanity to become the lowest member of the Pleroma, or collective being of the Sophia. Rudolf Steiner named her Anthroposophia, the force of Wisdom that lives in the soul of humanity. This archetype carries the contemplation of the virtue depicted by the ‘Mother of God’, as selfless giving. In order to receive the experience of the Christ, the Gospel of Luke tells us this Wisdom had to ‘pierce Mary’s heart like a sword’ (Luke 2:35) so that there might pour forth from Mary-Sophia, the highest virtue of Wisdom motivated by Love, into the hearts of humanity. At the foot of the cross, Lazarus-John, ‘the disciple Jesus loved’, is asked by Christ-Jesus to take this Sophia-Wisdom-Mother of God-into his ‘house’, symbol of the soul. Thru this, he becomes known as ‘John the Divine’, because he is embodied by the Divine Sophia, which enables him to write his Gospel & the Book of Revelation. So on this 7th Holy Night let us look within, to find the realm of The Virgin, & the Wise Woman, to experience our connection to the being of Anthroposophia. May we seek to acquire the calm steady Wisdom, that gives birth to The Being of Love within. ~hag Here is the recording of Winter Solstice w/ Mysteria Mystica Americana MA - A Special gift from the Grand Lodge of MA: Richard Cloud, Hazel Archer, Lisa Dalton + guests: Michael Draskovic, Russell Blackstone These ADVENT recordings are also my gift to you ~hag.:. The Fellowship of Preparation Makers' annual gathering, to be held this year in Viroqua, WI. Registration and further info will be posted on their page as it becomes available: https://www.biodynamics.com/content/fellowship-preparation-makers . If you want to support the Spiritualization of the Earth thru the Biodynamic Farming done on Zinniker Farm, you are invited to become a paid subscriber, with all donations going directly to the farm The Cognitive Ritual is a Free Will Offering to All worlds. Please Share freely Greetings Friend, you currently a free subscriber to Cognitive Ritual. Thank you for receiving my workings freely offered. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. ALL donations go to support Zinniker Farm - The oldest Biodynamic Farm in America! Together we can spiritualize the Universe. XOX ~hag © 2024 Hazel Archer-Ginsberg |
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