Daily writing prompt
Have you ever had surgery? What for?
I've had this blog for several years, and have posted more this year due to answering prompts, than all previous years combined! So while it's more than fair to take issue with how limited/intrusive WP prompts can be (this one, ugh), I'm appreciative of the spark that's brought me back into daily on-the-spot writing, and landed me in such great company.
So here's to extracting meaning from whatever comes our way!
As for the question, I have nothing interesting to say about it. I've never been hospitalized overnight unless one counts giving birth to my children. I've had dental surgeries and that kind of thing, but nothing unusual there. I've spent more time than most in doctors' offices, due to being ill throughout my 30s/into my 40s, but thankfully not to the extent to many others having the same condition(s).
I used to laugh when they would deem my condition 'light Lupus', because it forced me to spend so much time in bed and changed my lifestyle so dramatically back then, but the truth is, many with that same diagnoses have far greater effects to contend with, like my son's Kindergarten teacher, who died of complications from Lupus due to organ failure. She was such a lovely person. Hers was a parallel struggle that reminds me to pay attention, still. That I'm here now wasn't a given.
"Seize the day" isn't just about conquering. ❤
For those who don't like links, the above is a BBC article that winds through angles of the Carpe Diem ideal, what it has become in consumerist culture, etc. Toward the end is the more interesting part, which touches on how coming to terms with death is a big big part of freely living our lives and deeply experiencing pleasure, in case one didn't catch that last line in my Just Sitting poem.
Momento Mori!
[Cut to clip of me finally getting out of bed, lol]
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