How did Jesus die? Do you remember?
How did Jesus die? That's right, Jesus died on a cross. He was crucified. The Romans invented crucifixion as a way to put to death the worst of the worst criminals. When a person was crucified they did not die quickly. They died very, very slowly. It was a terrible way to die.
When it comes to being a Christian the Bible tells us that we "have been crucified with Christ." That means that our sins are completely paid for by the cross. It means we will not ever be judged by God for our sins – we were already judge with Jesus on the cross.
But crucifixion is also a picture of how we learn to stop sinning. The Apostle Paul tells us to crucify our flesh. Do you remember what our flesh is? It is our selfishness. It is that part inside of us that wants its own way. Our flesh is that part of us that is tempted to cheat, or lie, or steal, or even be good in order to show off. Listen to what Paul tells the Galatians about their flesh:
Galatians 5:24-25. 24And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.
Paul tells us that we have crucified our flesh and its sinful desires. Do you remember what we said about crucifixion? It is slow and painful. That's what dealing with your sin will always be like too. Like a crucifixion. It will be slow and painful at times. It's hard to stop being grouchy. Or to stop being jealous. Or to stop being overly competitive. Or to stop being a know-it-all.
But when you trust that Jesus loves you, you are putting another nail into your sinful flesh on its cross. Whenever you believe that God is for you and that you don't have to be selfish to be happy, then you are killing the sin in your heart.
Because of Jesus we have been crucified with Christ.
With Jesus we can crucify our flesh.
Play a game of "Follow the Leader." Talk about how we are empowered by Jesus and his love to follow the Spirit and love others like he does.
Jesus, help me to stop sinning, not by trying to be good, but by trusting that you love me no matter what. Amen.
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